A grand event was organized on the Prakash Utsav in the 754th birth anniversary of Shiromani dev Baba Shri Namdev Ji.
press release
A grand event was organized on the Prakash Utsav in the 754th birth anniversary of Shiromani devotee Baba Shri Namdev Ji,
Baba Namdev Sabha, J, 95 Vishnu Garden, New Delhi.Under the auspices of Arpan Marriage Hall, New Delhi, on the 754th Prakash Utsav of Baba Namdev Ji, a grand event of Havan Prachan and Langar was organized in Tilak Nagar, in which a special description of the life character of Baba Namdev Ji was given and the guidance of satsangat was given. Free health checkup was organized by Seva Sadan Mahanagar Ghaziabad.In which hundreds of people got benefited by getting their health checked, on this occasion, General Secretary of Seva Sadan, Chaudhary Mangal Singh ji, while explaining the significance of Mission 125 Years Healthy Life, Healthy India, encouraged people to stay healthy for 125 years by making changes in their breath, water and food. Gave the mantra. Choudhary Mangal Singh ji explained the importance of breathing, water and food to the entire group and made them take a pledge that we will do deep breathing every day, consume pure water in proper quantity and eat food in small quantitie organic food.