Hygiene And Health

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“The first wealth is health” and hygiene is the key to good health. We at Sewa Sadan first of all train our volunteers on hygiene and healthy habits so that they can transmit these habits in their family as well as their workplace.

  1. We are trying to make people understand that if adopt healthy habits and keep our environment clean, then we can defeat global warming very soon. As a healthy idea generates in a healthy mind, we have kept health and hygiene issue on the priority list.
  2. We so regular check in the hospital and dispensaries of the local, rural and small town and survey the cleanliness of the hospital and nearby area.
  3. Arrange regular health check-up camps for all.
  4. Invite people to help those who are physically and mentally disabled, so that they would get pampered and strengthen their will power to get over their disabilities.
  5. Make people aware about diseases and their first aid.
  6. Start and support environmental friendly campaigns like “Ped Lagao, Jungle Bachao”, “Swachchhata Abhiyan” etc.
  7. Make farmers and common mass aware of the consequences of the use of pesticides in farming.
  8. Encourage farmers for organic farming and help them in getting funds from the government, “KCC” is one of the Yojana started for the benefit of farmers.
  9. Arrange agriculture researchers’ camps in every Panchayat so that the soil of the farms can be checked and the farmers get to know what is the deficiency in the soil and what kind of fertilizer they should use to have better results in cultivation.
  10. Arrange agriculture training programs for organic farming.
  11. Do a survey and make details of the people affected by mental illness and other diseases.
  12. Contact government to support us to cure mental illness as well as other diseases.
  13. Collect funds and start ambulance service in every area for any kind of emergency.
  14. Arrange public meeting with the help of Gram Panchayat, Jilaparishad and other local authorities; show documentaries on health, hygiene and environment so that they should keep their house and neighbourhood clean for their good mental and physical health.

Nevertheless, Sewa Sadan believes in a clean and healthy habitat, where everyone has a kindness in their aura.